Monday, November 22, 2010

Captin Link's party

So this year I decided to do his party early. With a holiday weekend birthday it is always so crazy to plan, attend and enjoy a party. L is really into pirates at the moment. Never mind the fact that I have been planning for 3 months on a fireman themed party...the boy gets..what a boy wants. So pirates and planks it is! We clearly have NO backyard unless everyone is down for a pool party in the fall, so the location hunt began. I totally took the idea from a good friend of mine and locked down "My Gym"! I needed a place where the kids could run around like crazy swash buckling pirates without a lot of rules and restrictions. The party was a hit. The staff was awesome and let me do anything my little, insane, over the top Brain could possibly think of. I love planning for stuff like this but I somehow ALWAYS get stressed and freaked out about something...its just who I am. Thank the good Lord that I have a wonderful mom and awesome best friend. Without them I would have never completed any of it. Linkoln had a great time sword fighting his friends (his favorite pass time) and eating the YUMMO cake. Enjoy a peek into Link's 3rd birthday party!

Our awesome cake pops;) (They were a true beating...thanks Mom & Steph)