Monday, September 15, 2008

1st Day of School

So over the summer Sammy and I decided to start Linkoln in a Mother's Day Out program at church. We thought that it would be a great way to get him socialized with other children as well as take direction from other adults. So the night before I got all his belongings together...I made his lunch, packed his diaper bag and Labeled EVERYTHING. We made sure that his bedtime routine was on point and we put him down to sleep with anticipation of what the next day would bring. Linkoln was well rested when he awoke. We had our normal morning time together, took lots of 1st day school pictures and headed off. Sammy and I both teared up when we dropped him off. It was so hard to leave with out him. He did fuss for a minute but he was clam and enjoying himself before I left. I spent the afternoon with Sammy. We both were a nervous wreck all day. When I picked him up his teachers praised him. He had an amazing first day of school!

* I'm sooo proud of you Link! xoxoxo

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fall Swim Class

Link, Carson and Sweet Macy!

So Link started his fall swim class today. Not only is his friend Mary in his class again but so is his BFF Carson. They both did amazing. Sammy came and took some great photo's of the boys. After reviewing each picture I noticed this cute face Carson was making with his lips...he really is too precious. Being a mom is so busy...even more crazy busy when you have multiples. I don't get to spend the quality time with some of my girlfriends like I use to so I'm really excited that Steph and Carson are taking swimming with us. Nothings better than having your best friend beside you as you make wonderful memories to cherish forever!