Happy 2nd Birthday to my sweet Link!
I can't believe that we are celebrating your second birthday already. You are growing so fast and I sometimes wish time would just stand still. You really keep us on our feet....usually at a sprint. Your favorite game to play is hide-n-seek! Its funny to watch you be the seeker and the hider all at once...it puts a smile on our face every time. When you hide you yell out, "where are me"? ...and you usually jump out before we can even come find you. Seeing the way the world spins through your eyes is truly amazing.

We celebrated your birthday with all of our family and Friends at "Pump It Up"! You loved it and I know everyone enjoyed themselves very much! The theme was, "Trucks on the Road". Its your favorite book....you read it to daddy and I all the time. Trucks, machines at work to be specific, are all you play with at the moment. Oh and of course anything musical. Daddy and I really think you have an ear for music. RY and CP got you a new drum set for your birthday. You and daddy rock out on it EVERYDAY! You even start it off by yelling out..1..2..1234, and you end your rock session by saying,"party's over" and throwing your drum sticks into the air! Such a true rocker. You're getting really good on your "tow truck" tricycle. You still aren't comfortable with the pedals but you "Fred Flinstone" like a pro!

Happy Birthday my sweet angel....we love you with all of our heart!