What a wonderful day it is to be a Momma! Yes, a Momma! I'm one of those crazy Moms who love the sound of Momma/Mommy over Mom. I pray it stays that way forever!

This morning we enjoyed a great service given by Charlotte U. During the service today it finally hit me that I was having a girl. I couldn't hold back the tears as i tried to get a grasp on the amazing bond she and I will share. I know it sounds bad, but I'm finally excited (truly) that I'm carrying a little girl! I cherish my relationship with my Mother to the fullest! She is my best friend, a positive Christan womanly figure in my life and a perfect teacher. Without her I would truly be lost in this journey of motherhood. She and I spent the whole weekend together at our annual women's conference at church. It's special times like these when I wish the world would just stand still. After taking her to Brunch on Sunday my boys and I finished the day by being lazy together...pure bliss! Happy Mother's day Mother...I love you very much!
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