Choo-Choo...all aboard! What an exciting time we had this pasted Friday night. Sammy and I and my parents took Linkoln to the North Pole Express in Grapevine to ride on the train and see Santa Clause. Linkoln loves trains...what boy or child for that matter doesn't:) They had each cart decorated wonderfully and had music and singing throughout the whole train. Santa and Mrs. Clause even paid each child a visit. We talk to Linkoln about Santa almost everyday so it was great for him to actually see him in person. He loves it when daddy and I say "Hohoho Merry Christmas"...he belly laughs so hard and tries to imitate the "hohoho" part. The weather was prefect and the company was amazing. We had the Palmer's with us too and of course Carson and Ry's Grammy & Grampy! I just love Christmas time and making new memories and traditions. Merry Christmas everyone!
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