One of our favorite spots to travel to is beautiful San Fransisco. The people are friendly, the food is awesome and the weather was perfect. This year it was on Farmers, with a day and half of free time for ourselves. We left Link at our house with Nana and tried to enjoy at little alone time. Sammy and I love spending time alone together but we both realize that it is soooo hard to leave our baby behind. Thankfully we stayed busy throughout the day for the most part. Farmers always treats us well and this year was no different. Our entertainment for one evening was a private concert with about 300 people in a banquet room with Rascal Flats. Now that was pretty special. It was also special to Sammy and I that we were back in San Fran on vaca during this pregnancy. While pregnant with Linkoln we were here for our "baby moon". Now the two already have something in common;) It was a great trip but we were very ready to come home. We decided to catch a red eye out a day early just to get back to our boy. He was waiting our arrival with instructions for Nana telling us to wake him up as soon as we got home. He demanded us to wake him up with lots of kisses and two new geotrax's. Granted...spoiled!!

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